
Moving Tips: Stay Calm & Move Along

Purge: Before you begin packing, sort through your belongings and set aside any unwanted items to throw away or donate. This will save time, and make you feel better before you start packing.


Pack methodically: Box everything up room by room & label as much as possible (i.e.-bedroom 1,2,3, kitchen, living room, etc.) Be sure to mark breakables with a fragile marking, and keep in a separate area, as this will allow us to place your fragile items/boxes in an appropriate space on our trucks.


Don’t forget about the truck: For Apartment and Condo Moves, or in a building with limited parking, please try to reserve space for the trucks in an easily accessible location. Also, in the event that elevators will be used, please reserve time where it can be locked open, which will speed up our pace considerably, saving you time and money! Get A Quote Now!



TV’s and stereos: When moving appliances such as televisions or stereo systems, it is ideal to pack them in the box or packaging the product originally came in. This will guarantee a sure fit, and greatly helps in transport. Also, be sure to tie and/or tether any cords.



Kids and pets: If you have young children, it is best to make arrangements for them to stay with family or a sitter during the move hours. Also, lock up cats and dogs in a bathroom, crate, or yard. As much as we love pets, they just aren’t as helpful as they may think they are when it comes to moving your belongings.



Stay on budget: We understand that moving is not cheap. If you are on a budget, preparation is key! The better prepared you are for us, the less time it will take. Disassembling furniture, bagging/boxing all loose items, and having everything ready when we get there are the best ways to save time and money. Also, by bringing any small/loose items in a personal vehicle, you can reduce clutter prior to the move and reduce the time your move will take.